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What has happend to Imanuel on MFC? Some ugly chick is using her screen name. :( Has she set up residence at some other site permanently, in that case, where?
10 September 2010
James Key
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I love your site (and Martine)
10 September 2010 - USA
Anyone got more of her Imanuel video's?
10 September 2010
well guys i believe martina's career as a cam girl is finished. imanuel is online on mfc right now but it's not martina, they've replaced her with another model. so i now doubt she'll be coming back. oh well it was fun whilst it lasted
10 September 2010
pls update the board!
10 September 2010 - Madagascar
Please, update ... Excelent web pages, gorgeous woman. Thank you Alex.
10 August 2010 - CZECH REPUBLIC
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Mr V., use download manager . There will be no problem!
6 August 2010
Mr V.
correction Actually some links work like you say (for example number 17 on the top left). For others Windows Media player pops up and starts playing the movie immediatley (for example number 1 on the top left). For many others though Windows Media player pops up and doesn't show anything (for example the last one on the bottom right).
5 August 2010
Mr V.
Dear Alex, Please bear with me... Actually some links work like you say (for example the first link on the top left). For others Windows Media player pops up and starts playing the movie immediatley. For many others though Windows Media player pops up and doesn't show anything (for example the all last ones on the bottom right).
5 August 2010
Mr V.
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Dear Alex, When I try to download a video using 'save target as' I get the error: "Internet Explorer cannot download antileech.cgi from" and "Internet Explorer was not able to open this internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later" . (I tried at 19:35 CET). Thanks for your efforts! "
2 August 2010
Webmaster comments
First step, press on video-link Second step, choose on popup window "save target as". Anyway You can try another web-browser (opera, firefox etc.) |
We can only hope she goes online at mfc soon, she's the only reason i bought tokens on that site
31 July 2010
Nate, a, sorry, I read My"Free" :]
31 July 2010
| yes, last online: 2010-07-29 15:00:52 CET/CEST
30 July 2010
Nate, Sure? It says "Last Login: Thu May, 27th 4:10 PM"
30 July 2010
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Imanuel was online yesterday at mycams
30 July 2010
Links works fine here too. Any news on Martine btw? She hasn't been on for weeks.
29 July 2010
Mr V.
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Dear Alex, these video links don't work anymore. Any chance you can fix it?
29 July 2010 - Belgium
Webmaster comments
It's not true. As I see now, every links works fine. What error message you see? |
Знаю её лично, мужика ей нужно нормального чтоб не занималась тут фигней ;) А то детство в ..опе играет !!!
20 July 2010
Webmaster comments
Мне кажется, Алина уже совсем не маленькая девочка и вполне отдаёт отчет своим поступкам! |
Yeah ... she just asked for you
20 July 2010
А че ничего нового не стало появляться? Она прекратила свою деятельность?
2 July 2010 - Russia
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